Shenzhen Trading3d Technology Co., Ltd.
Belangrijkste producten:3d printer, 3d scanner, gloeidraad, 3D pen, 3D onderdelen

Most Popular LCD Resin 3D Printer Large

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Choose Trading3D as your partner to save time and cost in sourcing and managing 3D printer products in China . Trading3D offers high quality, transparent and low-cost procurement & sourcing services in China for global 3D industry retail clients with immediate local sourcing capabilities. With local experience we save you time and labor to find suitable products and high quality reliable manufacturers.

Understanding the local processes, habits and customs within China is difficult and key to ensuring you are able to reach partners in the market efficiently and fast.

Trading3D manages the complete scope of products in the 3D printing industry, 3D printers, 3D printing filament, 3D scanners, parts and services from various manufacturers in China. Trading3D is solely dedicated to supporting the global 3D printing industry.

At Trading3D we connect you with various manufacturers in China to find you the the best products. We are your reliable partner in China to navigate the often complicated and difficult process of finding the correct products in a world of marketing hype and misinformation.

Choose Trading3D as your partner to save time and cost in sourcing and managing 3D printer products in China. We work with retailers, distributors and manufacturers all over the world to provide the best in class supply chain for the growing 3D printing industry.

1. Trading3D will provide professional advice for which 3D products are best suited to meet your needs. In addition to sourcing and validating products we can provide shipping advice and services reducing your costs significantly.

2. Trading3D is located in Shenzhen city (the Innovation Center of China). From Shenzhen we have access to dozens of high quality manufacturers, offering fast turn around times and easy access to Hong Kong and International ports.

3. The management of Trading3D has 3 years experience in the 3D printing industry, and has partners in Europe (Germany, France, Russia etc), USA, Australia and Singapore offering the latest in latest 3D products market information.

We assist our clients to prepare viable business plans including how they will arrange efficient shipment the shipment and so forth. We are able to take care of everything required to make your business within China a success. "Your Business Is Our Business" is always the pursuit of Trading3D. We look forward to creating a long lasting relationship.